Luck for the 12 Chinese Zodiacs in March 2019
March 6 – April 4, 2019– Month of the Yin Fire Rabbit
Rabbit: Strong relationship luck for single Rabbit born person, you should place the fresh flowers in Northeast of your bedroom. There will be strong money luck this month, and you should carry the Wealth Ship Amulet to attract this luck.
Dragon: There will be obstacles at work, and all the issues will be resolved at the end of the month. In the meantime, be patient and ask friends for second opinions when making big decisions. You should keep the Dorje Drolo Scorpion Amulet to overcome the negative energy.
Snake: You will have unexpected expenses so make sure to budget your expenses and avoid loaning money to others. Also, make sure to carry the Kwan Kung with Anti-Robbery Amulet for protection.
Horse: It will be a good month for you to expand your network and make new friends. Carry the Sheep Wish Amulet to attract good relationship and fortune luck.
Sheep: Sheep-born person will have a strong career luck so carefully detail plans for the new project. The month will have a rocky start but will end smoothly. Consider keeping the Sum-Of-Ten Enhancer Amulet, which magnifies the sum-of-ten luck and brings good outcomes to your work.
Monkey: Beware of injury this month. You will have little money luck; however, there’s an excellent opportunity for short-term investments. Carry the Medicine Buddha gold card or Anti-Illness amulet with the garuda to combat the negative energy.
Rooster: You need to control your temper and beware of signing legal documents this month. Carry the Apple Peace Keychain to overcome quarrelsome energies as the mantra on this keychain will help you stay calm.
Dog: It will be the busy month for you to handle tasks step by step. If possible, take short breaks to recharge your energy. Carry the Five Elements Mirror Keychain to for complete protection and good fortune wherever you go.
Boar: It will not be the best month for investments as this will not be a smooth month. On the other hand, team up with others for better luck, especially with Rabbit and Sheep born person. Keep the Windhorse Gold Card to attract successful luck.
Rat: There will be unexpected expenses and over-spending throughout the month, as you will have lots of social activities. Pay attention to your health and carry the Kwan Kung with Anti-Robbery Amulet for protection.
Ox: You will have a Nobleman Star supporting you throughout obstacles this month. Even though you will face plenty of stressful situations, handle them with caution. Keep the Dorje Drolo Scorpion Amulet with you to overcome all obstacles.
Tiger: There will be opportunities to team up with others for a new project, which will help you expand your career luck. Hang the Pig Wish Amulet on your bag for better relationship luck and support.
Welcome to the good fortune & protection against illness, obstacles, and misfortune of March 2019. Update the monthly flying stars of your space.
March 2019 Flying Star Chart
The second month (Yin Fire Rabbit month – March 6 – April 4, 2019)
of the Yin Earth BOAR Year