[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We are entering the third month of the Rooster year, and the spring energy will be ended at the end of this month. It will be better for you to wear white, silver or gold clothes and jewelry to balance the excess wood energy during this season.
April is the month of the Dragon, and it will clash with the people born in the year of Dragon and Dog. You both should take it easy and lay low during the clash month.[/vc_column_text][boc_heading css_classes=”blog-title1″]Luck for the 12 Chinese Zodiacs in APRIL 2017 [/boc_heading][vc_column_text]April 4 – May 4, 2017– Month of the Yang Wood DRAGON
Dragon: There will be lots of obstacles for you to face and you should go with the flow. Pay attention to your health related to the stomach problem, and you should take more rest. You can consider carrying the 5 Element Sun & Moon Pagoda amulet to overcome the negative energy.
Snake: Relationship luck is very strong, and it is the best time for you to contact your friends for the opportunity. Single Snake person should take expand your personal network meeting new friends. You can display the Peach Blossom Horse for marriage luck to enhance your chance.
Horse: There will be obstacles at work and should consult with your superior. Beware of signing legal documents. You should carry the Red Eagle amulet to control the legal issues.
Sheep: This is not the proper month for investment, and you should control what you spend. Money luck is weak and should carry the Anti-Burglary amulet or Rhinoceros keychain for protection.
Monkey: There may be an opportunity for you to invest. STOP and THINK before making the final decision. Pay attention when you sign any contract and agreement. You need to control your temper and be patient this month.
Rooster: There will be great chance having the joint venture or partner with others, it will bring good luck to you. You may be disturbed by family health issues. Make sure to place the Kuan Yin with Garuda at the North of your home this month.
Dog: Pay attention to your health related to stomach problem; You need to control your temper and communicate with co-workers, friends and family members peacefully. Take more rest and be patient. You should carry the Garuda Wu Lou keychain to exhaust the negative energy.
Boar: you need to pay attention to your health, and cash flow is weak. You should avoid significant investment and no gamble. If you need to travel, you should carry 6 Peacock feathers and Anti-burglary amulet for protection.
Rat: Pay attention to your health, and you need to calm down. April month is not okay for you to start the new project. You should place the Garuda Bird next to the bed for your protection.
Ox: Single Ox person should put the fresh beautiful flowers at Northeast of your bedroom to attract romance luck. You can display the Peach Blossom Horse for marriage luck to enhance your chance.
Tiger: You will have strong money luck, and you should take this opportunity to invest. You should attract this luck by placing the Pi Yao on your desk.
Rabbit: If you need to take any examination or continue education for your work, you should take this month. Your education luck and money luck are both strong in April this year. You can carry the Victory Amulet to attract the money luck.
[/vc_column_text][boc_heading html_element=”h4″ css_classes=”text-uppercase”]Welcome to the good fortune & protection against illness, obstacles, and misfortune of APRIL 2017 by updating the monthly flying stars of your space.[/boc_heading][boc_heading css_classes=”blog-title1″]April 2017 – Flying Star Chart [/boc_heading][boc_heading html_element=”h5″ css_classes=”blog-title3″]Third Month (Yang Wood DRAGON month – April 4 to May 4, 2017) of the Yin Fire ROOSTER Year[/boc_heading][vc_single_image alignment=”center” image=”876″][vc_column_text]Center: 1/6: The center of your house is very auspicious this month, you should hang the metal wind chimes and 6 Emperor Coins ruler to attract the windfall luck with unexpected good news.
North 6/2: Illness star is flying into the North sector and will bring obstacles with illness energy to you. You should put the metal Wu Lou, Kuan Yin with Garuda and white color carpet to control the negative energy.
East 8/4: East sector is the best place for you or your children to study, display the Luo Han with Scholastic Brilliance to activate this luck. Single Rabbit person should attract her/his romance luck by putting the Bejeweled Peach Blossom Rat in this area.
South 5/1: You can attract small money by hanging the 6 Rob metal wind chime, this metal wind chime will also control yearly 5 Yellow Star and activate the number one star at the same time.
West 3/8: If your front door is located at the West, it will be very auspicious for money luck. You should attract the money luck by placing the water fountain at the West and make sure no plant around this area.
Southwest 7/3: Southwest area is affected by two inauspicious stars this month, they will bring quarrelsome and robbery energy to you. You must control it by putting the Red Eagle on Rock and the Blue Rhinoceros to control it.
Southeast 9/5: The poorly 5 Yellow star will bring obstacles and illness CHI to you especially the eldest daughter of your family. You must control it by placing the Sun & Moon 5 Element Pagoda.
Northwest 2/7: Northwest is one of the unlucky sectors this month, you need to stick the Anti-Burglary sticker in the window and the door in this area; it will help to protect you from robbery star.
Northeast 4/9: 2 lucky stars are flying into the Northeast sector, you should activate the Happiness Star by placing red carpet and hanging wooden wind chimes.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]