[vc_row][vc_column][boc_heading css_classes=”blog-title1″]Luck for the 12 Chinese Zodiacs in March 2017 [/boc_heading][vc_column_text]March 5 – April 3, 2017– Month of the Yin Water RABBIT
Time goes very fast, we are in the second month of the Year of Rooster, there are still lots of argument and disagreement in the world. It will be going until the second quarter starting in May 2017. Please be patient and all the problem will be solved. There are lots of opportunities for money-making.
Rabbit: You need to pay attention to your health and take more risk, even though this is your month, there may be lots of obstacles. You can carry the Sun & Moon 5 Element Pagoda amulet for protection.
Dragon: For better money luck this month, you should lay low and avoid trouble from the co-worker. Display the Tai Kat Tai Lay on your desk or bedroom for better wealth luck.
Snake: There will be unexpected good news and windfall luck. You may consider having the lottery ticket and carrying the Victory coin to enhance the good luck.
Horse: You need to pay attention to your health, and there will be lots of obstacles, you should lay low this month. It is not the good month for you to start the new project. You should carry the Garuda Health amulet and Sun & Moon 5 Element Pagoda amulet for protection.
Sheep: This will be the good month for you to expand your network and meet new friends. It will be excellent for you to work with your friends for any new project. You must carry the Anti-Burglary keychain to control the annual Robbery star.
Monkey: Good month for you to learn new things. It will be good to carry the Education & Scholastic keychain and place the Bejeweled Luohan for Scholastic Brilliance at the Northeast of your bedroom or office.
Rooster: There will be lots of obstacles for you at the Rabbit month, you need to be patient and take it easy. You can carry the Ten Hums Shield keychain to overcome the negative energy.
Dog: You will have great support from friends with the mentor luck. Carry the Trinity Horses keychain to attract the success luck.
Boar: Strong money luck this month and try to grab this opportunity by carrying the 3 Emperor coins & Victory coin for money luck.
Rat: Beware of the traffic ticket, and you need to control your temper by carrying the Red Eagle amulet to control it. Pay more attention when you sign any legal document this month.
Ox: There will be the big opportunity for promotion, and you should take the opportunity to show your talent at work. Place the Ox & Rat Auspicious enhancer on your desk for better luck.
Tiger: It will be the good month for you to team up with friends for any project, as your friend will bring good luck to you. Strong relationship luck and the single person should take action this month. You should put the Peach Blossom Rabbit to enhance your relationship luck.[/vc_column_text][boc_heading html_element=”h4″ css_classes=”text-uppercase”]Welcome to the good fortune & protection against illness, obstacles, and misfortune of March 2017 by updating the monthly flying stars of your space.[/boc_heading][boc_heading css_classes=”blog-title1″]March 2017 – Flying Star Chart [/boc_heading][boc_heading html_element=”h5″ css_classes=”blog-title3″]Second Month (Yin Water RABBIT month – March 5 to April 3, 2017) of the Yin Fire ROOSTER Year[/boc_heading][vc_column_text]How to read this chart: Below are nine squares. Each square represents a directional sector of your home with the middle square representing the Center area of your house. There are two numbers shown in each sector. The big number in each sector indicates the Annual Star and the small number in each sector indicates the Monthly Star. Place the suggested cures and enhancers in their proper areas accordingly.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image alignment=”center” image=”869″][vc_column_text]Center: 1/7: Violence star is flying into the center of your house and remove any metal wind chimes in this area. You can put the water fountain to exhaust the negative energy from the Flying Star #7 and activate the Number 1 small wealth star at the same time.
North 6/3: There will be lots of argument at the North sector of your house, you can place the Red Eagle Rock to control this bad star and hang the 6 rods metal windchimes to enhance the annual windfall luck.
East 8/5: Five Yellow star will bring lots of obstacles and illness to you. It is advisable to place the Sun & Moon 5 Element Pagoda to control it.
South 5/2: The South sector of your office and home will be affected by the badly Number 5 and 2 star. You should place four sticks of the live bamboo stick inside the water to exhaust the negative energy. Medicine Buddha stupa should be put to control these two badly stars.
West 3/9: Make sure to remove green plants away from West sector of your house, as it will bring lots of argument energy this month. You make sure to place the Red Eagle Rock to control the hostile energy this month.
Southwest 7/4: Strong relationship luck at the Southwest sector, you can put the Rose Quartz Mandarin Ducks to attract your luck. A single person should place the flowers arrangement for better peach blossom luck. Education luck is high at Southwest, and you should put the Bejeweled Luohan for Scholastic Brilliance to enhance this luck. It will be the great place to study at Southwest this month.
Southeast 9/6: Display 6 Emperor coins ruler to activate the windfall luck. If this is your front entrance, you can place the white color door mat for better luck. Southeast sector is very lucky this month.
Northwest 2/8: Good and bad star are flying to Northwest in March this month. You must control the annual illness star by placing the Medicine Buddha frame or metal wu lou. At the same time, you enhance the good money luck from the monthly star by putting the Bejeweled 8 Wealth Trees and The Fu Dogs Treasure Chest.
Northeast 4/1: Both two lucky stars need to be activated, it brings promotion luck, education luck, and relationship luck as well. You should place water fountain, metal wind chime or 5 Warriors of King Gesar.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]