THE DOUBLE NINTH FESTIVAL – Chong Yang Festival (重陽節)
This festival is held on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month calendar, and it will be October 17, 2018. According to the I-Ching (易經), the number 6 represents Yin energy, and number 9 represents Yang energy, so the ninth day on the ninth month will be the Yang day. The meaning is “forever” and “long life”; people will celebrate this festival for good luck by going up to the mountain to capture good CHI. Chinese will go to the ceremony and bring chrysanthemum to family’s graveyard this month as well. We also called this is festival as the Chrysanthemum Festival.
Two important days for you to pray for your wishes and good health. Tara and Medicine Buddha puja on October 17 and the Medicine Buddha puja on October 24, 2018.
Luck for the 12 Chinese Zodiacs in – October 2018
October 8 – November 6, 2018 – Month of the Yang Metal Dog
Dog: You need to pay attention to your health, and there will be a lot of obstacles at work. Remember to wear the Medicine Buddha DZI Bracelet to exhaust the negative energy. October is the dog month in the dog year. For Chinese, the sound of a dog is 9, and it will be double nine for long life, longevity and forever.
Boar: Beware of the car accident and losing personal belongings. It is not the right month to loan money to others. There will be obstacles at work starting in the earlier month, but it will be solved at the end of October. Carry the Anti-Burglary keychain for your protection.
Rat: It is not the good month to start the new project and pay attention to your health. There will be a lot of obstacles both at home and work. You must carry the Dharani of Avalokiteshvara card for protection.
Ox: There will be unexpected things happening to you, and it will affect your emotion. You need to control your temper and handle things smoothly. It will be better for you to wear the Om Mani Padme Hum bracelet to exhaust the negative energy.
Tiger: Beware of signing legal documents and the traffic ticket. Be patient! There will be significant support from friends and family members; you should consult with them for good advice. You should carry the Chundi card to control the hostile energy.
Rabbit: You should not be a guarantor this month, as your friend may ask you to help him, it is not the right month, and you will create the problem for yourself. October is the best month for you to meet new friends and develop your network. You can wear or carry the Popularity Star Shawl to increase your luck.
Dragon: It is tradition month to clash with dog zodiac on its month and year. It will create lots of obstacles for you, and you also need to pay attention to your health related to the stomach problem. I am sure that you should have the Tai Sui amulet or card early this year and make sure you must carry with you this month. It will be the perfect month for you to eat more vegetable to balance the excess element month in the element month.
Snake: Career and money luck is very strong this month, but you need to pay attention when you sign legal documents and the traffic ticket. You should carry the Prosperous Victory amulet to capture your good luck.
Horse: Good month at work and need to handle relationship luck carefully, as you may upset others and it may create issues in your work. Carry the Protection of wealth and good name amulet to enhance your good luck.
Sheep: Your Lung Ta energy is low and makes you not interesting for everything. You may consider taking a short trip to recharge your energy and hang the Windhorse Prayer Flags in the southwest of your bedroom for better luck.
Monkey: You will have Nobleman Star to support you, and there will be opportunities for a joint venture, or someone will offer to work with you. It will be good for a small investment and carry the Wealth Gold card to get your money luck.
Rooster: Strong money luck this month. You need to spend more time at work and make sure that there are no mistakes; otherwise good project will be turned to a bad case. Consider carrying the Victory Banner Amulet for success this month.
Welcome to the good fortune & protection against illness, obstacles, and misfortune of October 2018 by updating the monthly flying stars of your space.
October 2018 Flying Star Chart
The ninth month (Yang Metal Dog month – October 8 –November 6, 2018) of the
Yang Earth DOG Year
How to read this chart: Below are nine squares. Each square represents a directional sector of your home with the middle square representing the Center area of your house. There are two numbers shown in each sector. The big number in each sector indicates the Annual Star and the small number in each sector indicate the Monthly Star. Place the suggested cures andenhancers in their proper areas accordingly.
Center 9/6: Strong windfall luck at the center of the house and you should hang the Parasol Dharmachakra Wheel 9 Rods wind chimes to capture the annual star and activate the monthly auspicious star.
North 5/2: This area needs lots of protection, as two bad stars are flying in the North. They will create illness and Place green color carpet and remove any red color decorations. There will be lots of obstruction especially your front door is located in this area. Invite the Four Heaven Kings or Orgyen Menla for protection.
West 2/8: Finally the lucky month lucky star 8 is going to this sector and it will bring wealth luck, you should place the Bejeweled 5 Element Victory Banner to attract the auspicious luck.
Southwest 6/3: Remove green plant and carpet from this area; otherwise it will make the monthly argument star strong. You should invite the Bejeweled Lion Face Dakini to clear away all obstacles and hostile energy.
Southeast 8/5: The monthly 5 Yellow star will bring obstruction and illness energy to you, it will be advisable for an elderly family member not to sleep in the room in the Southeast this month. Invite the Bejeweled Medicine Buddha Blue Face or Golden Garuda to control the negative energy.
South 4/1: South side of your house and office is very lucky, it will bring substantial business luck and little money luck to you. The Parasol Dharmachakra Wheel 9 Rods wind chimes will help to attract this luck, and 9 sticks wind chime matches the south sector, according to Feng Shui natal chart.
Northwest 1/7: Number 7 Robbery star is the metal element and flies into the Big metal sector, it will bring negative energy for burglary and theft. Pay attention to the door and windows at Northwest. You should remove metal wind chime and display the blue color Rhinoceros & place the anti-burglary stickers for protection.
Northeast 3/9: Lucky sector for the second month, this star will bring happiness energy and unexpected good news to you. You should place the red color pillow and invite the Golden Tara – Goddess of wealth to attract the good luck from this star. This is the proper room for you to spend time this month.
East 7/4: This is the excellent area for you to study and also set up to attract relationship luck by using the monthly lucky star. First of all, place the fresh flowers at the South for the entire October; it will bring the relationship to you. Display the Bejeweled Lo Han with Qi Lin for your education luck.