The year of the Yang Wood Dragon and the first day of Spring will start on February 4, 2024, after 4:28 PM, and the Period 9 Feng Shui will also start on the same day.
The Lunar New Year will start on February 10, 2024, and you should celebrate the new year for better luck. It will help if you set up the Feng Shui following the annual star for protection and attract good luck. You should follow the monthly Flying Star chart to fine-tune the star for good luck.
The lucky sectors in 2024 are East, Northeast, North, Southwest, and Northwest. Unfortunately, your house has four unlucky areas: the Center of the house, West, South, and Southeast.
Four unlucky sectors in 2024
- The Number 3 Quarrelsome Star at the Center of the House – This star brings arguments and legal matters; it will help to put the Trinity of Apples or the Nine Dragons Red Carpet in this area.
- Five Yellow Star at the West – It will bring bad health, and obstacles; it will be best to put the White Umbrella Goddess Pagoda to exhaust the evil energies.
- Number 7 Robbery Star at the South – It will cause you financial problems, violence, and robbery; we should put or hang the Elephant and Rhinoceros With Ksitigarbha Staff or Door Guardians with Ksitigarbah Staff Plaque for protection.
- Number 2 Illness Star at the Southeast – This star will bring bad health and possible wealth luck. The Number 2 Star will improve during Period 9. If you can control it, this star will lead you to wealth luck from property investment. You can place the Abundance Wu Lou to control this star and attract wealth luck.
Highlights of FEBRUARY 2024 – TIGER Month
The first month (Yang Fire Tiger month – February 4 to March 5, 2024) of the Yang Wood DRAGON Year
The lucky areas of the house and office are the Northwest, Northeast, and North. Use Feng Shui enhancers to activate the sectors and capture the luck from the fortune stars.
The house has unlucky areas, and the office needs to be controlled and protected from unlucky stars: Southwest, Center of the house, West, and South.
It will be a lucky month for those born in the Ox, Snake, Rooster, and Boar year. You can take advantage of these opportunities to achieve your goals.
Welcome to the good fortune & protection against illness, obstacles, and misfortune of FEBRUARY 2024. Update the monthly flying stars of your space.
FEBRUARY 2024 Flying Star Chart
The first month (Yang Fire Tiger month – February 4 to March 5, 2024) of the Yang Wood DRAGON Year
The first number is the monthly flying star, and the second number is the annual flying star. Use the chart to apply the following recommendations:
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South 9/7 – Combining these two stars The South room will be unlucky from these two stars, and the magnified Number 9 Star will empower the Robbery Star for bringing stealing, violence, and burglary. Be sure to have bright lights in this room, and put the Anti-Burglary & Violence Sticker on the window and door for protection. You may also invite the Elephant and Rhinoceros with Ksitigarbha Staff facing the South door to protect against all burglary energies hovering near your home and office.
Southwest 2/9 – The monthly Illness Star will bring bad health and obstacles, especially to the patriarch of the family and the female business owner. The annual Number 9 Star helps to empower the Illness star in the earth sector. It will help to put the Garuda Windchime or Medicine Buddha Plaque to control this evil star. You should remove the red colored carpet or doormat in this area.
Northeast 8/6 – The Northeast room is lucky from these two auspicious stars are bringing wealth and windfall luck this month. It will help to put the Money Toad to capture wealth luck from the Number 8 Star. If you have a business, you should put the Abacus in the Northeast room to attract wealth luck.
Center 5/3 – Combining these two stars will bring obstacles, bad health, and arguments. The center of the house is the most dangerous sector this month, and you must control it by placing the White Umbrella Goddess Pagoda to control the monthly Five Yellow Star. It will help to remove the red carpet in this sector.
Southeast 4/2 – The Southeast is the wood sector, and the monthly Number 4 Star is also a wood element. You should put the Brush With View Of 3 Mountain Peaks or the Bejeweled Luo Han for Scholastic Brilliance. If you prepare for examinations and homework, you should spend time in the Southeast room. Single people looking for love should put the Bejeweled Mandarin Ducks in the southeast corner of their bedroom or the house; the Mandarin Duck will help attract romantic luck for a single person.
North 1/8 – Another lucky sector of the house for career advancement, and wealth luck, you should put the Bejeweled Camel to reserve your wealth and attract money luck. For career luck, you should put the Nine Dragons Plaque in Royal Blue for career advancement. It will help to put the water fountain or fish tank on the North side of the house to capture wealth luck in Period 9 for the next 20 years.
East 3/1 – The Quarrelsome Star will bring legal matters and arguments; you make sure to remove old magazines or newspapers from the East side of the house and put the Magical Cosmic Apple or Fire Dragon Holding Fireball to suppress quarrelsome and conflict energies.
West 7/5 – Another unlucky area from these two evil stars bringing robbery, stealing, obstacles, and bad health. You should remove metal windchimes from the west of the house this month. Otherwise, you will empower the monthly Robbery Star. You can invite the Ksitigarbha Buddha to control the annual 5 Yellow Star and protect your house, or put the Door Guardians with Ksitigarbha Staff Plaque or Elephant and Rhinoceros with Ksitigarbha Staff to control the monthly Robbery Star.
Northwest 6/4 – The Northwest area of the house is lucky from these two auspicious stars for windfall, romance, and education luck. It will help to activate them by placing the Tai Kat Tai Ley Big Auspicious Enhancer to capture the luck from the Number 6 Star, if you need to adjust your investment portfolios in the room or put the lottery ticket in the Northwest area of the house. You can also hang the Six Rods Metal Windchime to activate the good luck from these two stars.
Luck for the 12 Chinese Zodiacs in
FEBRUARY 2024 (Yang Fire Tiger Month) –
February 4 to March 5, 2024
Tiger: Your luck is average, and you should focus on your work. There will be lots of changes at work, and you need to prepare for them. It will help to carry the Period 9 Windhorse Amulet for magnificent success luck. Direct money luck is stable, but it will not be the right month for gambling and new investments. Carrying the Nine Wealth Wallet for abundance and continuous wealth will be best. This wallet will help attract wealth luck in Period 9. You should not give loans to others and beware of fire issues at home.
Rabbit: You will face obstacles and should watch out what you say. It will help avoid troublemakers and maintain good relationships with others. You should keep the Anti-Jealousy “Evil Eye” Amulet to block the unfriendly energy from troublemakers and gossip. Money luck is unstable, and you should avoid new investments. Carry the Padlock Of Wealth to attract money luck, and secure your wealth. Pay attention to your stomach and digestive problems this month. You should watch what you consume. It will help to keep the Good Health With Crane Talisman Good Card for protection.
Dragon: There are many obstacles at work, and you should handle things cautiously. You should take it easy and put the 5 Spoked Dorje on the work desk to overcome obstacles. Money luck is average. It will not be a good month to signify investments and gambling. You need to pay attention to minor health problems and keep the Anti-Illness Talisman Card to protect you from bad health.
Snake: Your luck is back in the first month of the Dragon year, and you should not miss this good chance. It will help you focus on what you are working on. Both money luck is strong, and you should get the lottery tickets this month. Carry the Winning Cards Windfall Amulet to symbolize having winning luck on your side. Single Snake person will have romance luck and carry the Padlock Of Love to attract this good luck.
Horse: It will not be a smooth month, so solve the problem step by step. Carry the 28 Hums Lotus Mandala Amulet to overcome obstacles. Beware of losing personal belongings, and do not give loans to others. It will help to keep the Elephant and Rhinoceros with Ksitigarbha Staff Amulet for protection from theft. Beware of slippery in the bathroom and kitchen!
Sheep: You will face many obstacles from the unlucky stars and try to attend parties to boost auspicious energies. You may consider going to church or temple during the Chinese New Year. It will help you get blessings from god and Buddha. You must carry the Tai Sui Gold Card or Tai Sui Amulet to appease the God of the Year. Both money luck is unstable and should carry the Cash Flow Camel Amulet to attract money luck, and you need to pay attention to liver problems
Monkey: You must handle things cautiously in the first month of the Dragon year. It will help to avoid troublemakers and money luck is weak. Carry the Hamsa Hand Life Force Amulet to block the unfriendly energy and boost your inner strength. Pay attention to the stomach and digestive system. You should keep the Abundance Wu Lou Amulet to protect you from bad health and attract wealth luck.
Rooster: Your luck is back from the auspicious stars, and you should not miss this chance. It will be a good month for you to expand your network and meet new friends. You should carry the Secret Friend Amulet – Dragon and Rooster to boost your relationship luck. Your money luck is strong, but it will go downhill after February 20, 2024. Carry the Wealth Lock Coin Amulet to secure your wealth.
Dog: You will directly affect Tai Sui and should lay low this year. You may consider going to church or temple during the Chinese New Year. It will help you get blessings from god and Buddha. You must carry the Tai Sui Gold Card or Tai Sui Amulet to appease the God of the Year. It will not be easy for the first month of the Dragon year. Money luck is weak, and beware of getting the flu. You can carry the Abundance Wu Lou Amulet for protection from bad health and to attract wealth luck.
Boar: Your luck is back from the auspicious stars, and you will have many opportunities in the first month of the Dragon year. You should grab this good chance to plan this year. It will be best to carry the Tai Kat Tai Ley Windfall Amulet to bring you good fortune and overcome obstacles. Money luck is strong, and it will be the right month for new investments. Pay attention to the stomach and digestive system! Single Boar people will have strong romance luck and should keep the Padlock of Love to attract romance luck.
Rat: Your luck is average, and there are no major problems. It will help to stay away from troublemakers and gossip. Keep the Anti-Jealousy Gold Talisman Card to block the unfriendly energy. You should focus on what you are working on and mind your business. Direct money luck is stable and should avoid high-risk investments and gambling. Pay attention to your liver and avoid over-drinking. You can carry the Abundance Wu Lou Amulet for protection from bad health and to attract wealth luck.
Ox: There will be many opportunities from the lucky stars, which will help overcome obstacles; you should not miss this good chance to make a plan for the Dragon year to achieve your goal. It will best to carry the Heaven Seal Amulet to capture good luck from heaven. Money luck is strong, and the single Ox people will have strong romance luck. You should keep the Padlock of Love to attract romance luck.
Moreover, there are crucial days to pray for your protection, wishes, and good health: No Protector Puja this month, and the new moon arrives on February 9, 2024. Tara & Medicine Buddha puja is on February 17, 2024. Medicine Buddha puja and the full moon day are on February 24, 2024.
We post weekly tips for a great day for a haircut, a good day for hanging prayer flags, and other important days on our website, www.wofsusa.com, under the “Tips for Today” section; all information follows the Tibetan calendar.