Here’s your January 2019 monthly Feng Shui Newsletter

It is about time for you to welcome the Year of the Boar, and it will start February 4, 2019, during horse hour around 12:15 pm. A person born before the above date and horse hour should be the dog zodiac. Most of the Chinese Zodiac will have good luck for the coming year.   Chinese New Year will start on February 5, 2019,
For us to be safe and prosperous in the coming year of the Boar, we should prepare ourselves. You should attend the Feng Shui Extravaganza in Las Vegas or Honolulu where I will give you update the following year’s, and each animal sign’s possible successes and challenges.  All the proceeds of these two events will be donated to local non-profit organizations – Asian Community Development Council in Las Vegas and REHAB Hospital Foundation in Honolulu.
The Feng Shui Extravaganza in Las Vegas will be held on January 19, 2019, at the Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino and the Feng Shui Update in Honolulu will be held on January 26, 2019. For more information, please visit our website
Moreover, there are two important days for you to pray for your wishes and good health: Tara and Medicine Buddha puja on January 13, 2019, and the Medicine Buddha puja on January 20, 2019.

Luck for the 12 Chinese Zodiacs in 

January 2019

 January 5 to February 3, 2019– Month of the Yin Wood Ox

Rat: You may be disturbed by your own emotion and just go with the flow.  Money luck is strong and right time to invest.  You should carry the Wealth Ship amulet to capture your wealth luck.

Ox:  When you start a new project, it will not be easy, but it will finish in a good way.  You will have good support from friends and co-workers. It is a good month for you to travel to re-charge your energy.  You keep the Precious Horse Keychain for success.  This keychain will help to strengthen your inner life fore energy.

Tiger: It is a good month for you to invest and team up with your friends for the better result.  Please make sure to communicate with your lover and family members; it will help to avoid misunderstanding and argument.  Display the Bejeweled Goddess Kurukulle on your desk for better relationship luck.

Rabbit:  You are approaching the last month of the Dog year.  You will have a smooth month, and everything is improved. Pay attention to your health related to stomach and do not overeat during the holiday.

Dragon: You will have a better year in the Year of the Boar, and all the obstacles will be cleared.  Health-related to stomach problem still boring you until April 2019. Carry the Garuda Health Amulet for protection.

Snake: It will be the right month for you to make the plan in 2019, as there will be lots of changes in the Year of the Boar for Snake born person.  Put the Windhorse Gold Talisman in your wallet for success luck.

Horse: Career and money luck are strong in January, you should take these opportunities to achieve your goal. Pay attention to your health related to skin problem.  Horse born person should carry the Good Fortune Lock Amuletto secure your wealth.

Sheep: You should change the energy of your home by reorganizing the furniture and get ready for the Year of the Boar.  It is also a good month for you to consider changing a new job. Carry the Flying Horse Amulet or Bejeweled Windhorse on your desk for looking for unique opportunity.

Monkey: It will be a good month for you to make a plan and money luck is strong this month.  Carry the Victory in Gambling Keychain for your investment. This amulet is to dispel any negative energies present.

Rooster: There will be lots of obstacles at the last month of the Year of Dog, you should pay attention to health and consider to take a short vacation to avoid trouble.  You keep the Precious Elephant Amulet in your pocket; it will bring strength, courage and powerful mindfulness. The other side of the amulet is the Dependent Arising mantra which actualizes wishes into reality.

Dog: Good month to learn new things and strong relationship luck.  Single Dog born person should take this opportunity to meet new friends to develop your relationship. You make sure to keep the Nine-Tailed White Fox amulet in your pocket; it will help to bring powerful relationship energy to you.

Boar: It is the best time for you to prepare the year of the Boar and money luck is strong.  January is also an excellent month to expand your network. You should carry the Annual Amulet for the Boar year to capture the new energy from the Boar year.

January 2019 Flying Star Chart

The last month(Yin Wood Ox month– January 5 to February 3, 2019) of the Yang Earth DOG Year


Center 9/3: Place the red carpet at the center of the house to control monthly Number 3 Quarrelsome star.  Do not put the green plant in this area and you can also display the Red Apple to exhaust the hostile energy.

 North 5/8: This area is excellent for money luck in January and should place the water fountain to attract this luck.  North area is a good place to spend the time to capture good energy.

 West 2/5: West sector is one of the worst areas this month, you should avoid making too much noise.  This place must be controlled by placing the Tri-Colored Five Element Pagoda and Medicine Buddha to exhaust it.

Southwest 6/9: The southwest area is suitable for windfall money luck and relationship luck. If this is your front door, you should leave the lamp “ON” for the entire month to attract the good news.  Invite the Kuan Yin Bringing Abundance to attract this luck.  Kuan Yin is the God of Mercy, and she will bring positive energy to you.

Southeast 9/2: The monthly Number 2 illness combines with the annual Number 9 Star, it magnifies the damage of this lousy star.  You must control it and display the Medicine Buddha or Healing Herb Wu Luoto restrain the negative energy.

South 4/7If your front door or back door is located at South, you need to protect it from robbery this month due to the monthly Robbery Star and display the Anti-Burglary plaque above the door frame.

Northwest 1/4: This is the excellent sector in your home for studying and also your work.  The monthly star will bring wisdom energy to you. Place the Wisdom Pagoda at Northwest or on the study desk for better luck.

Northeast 3/6: Another lucky sector for little money luck and make sure to control the Number 3 Quarrelsome Star by the Red Apple to exhaust the hostile energy and display the Treasure ChesDharani to secure the money luck. This treasure chest is filled with the Dharani mantra to bring wealth and prosperity to you.

East 7/1:  The east area of your house is lucky at the last month of the Dog year.  Place the Red Treasure chest with snow lionfor windfall luck; it will manifest a lottery win or close a big contract. You make sure to put the ingots and gemstones into the chest.

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